
Hello, I’m Anna. I’ve been the Secretary General of NEST for 15 years. See you soon! 우리 아이는 우리 손으로! 우리 둥지는 입양에 대한 인식 고취와 국내입양 활성화를 통하여 생명과 인권존중의 아름다운 세상을 만들고자 합니다. 국외입양인들을 위한 희망의 둥지를! 우리 둥지는 친부모 찾기, 한국 문화체험, 한국어 교육, 홈스테이 등


Hi, my name is Rufina, I am in charge of the overseas adoptee programs and accounting ^-^ 1. Why did you start working for Nest Korea? I was interested in overseas aid, so I applied for the job when I found out the job post of our organization (As


Hello, I’m Peter taking charge of overseas aid. Feel free to get in touch with me! 1. Why did you start working for Nest Korea? When I help someone, I feel like my heart is full of love. If I become a necessary person for adoptees, I will be